Welcome to our Book Review page
Book Review
If you like to be in the know on good reads for the ECE field, CCCF compiles a selection of books for children and ECEs alike, reviewed by experts in our community. We are just starting to create more content for this section, so please check back as we continue to add more.

Looking for a children’s book that fosters inclusion and cultural tolerance in children? We’ve got it covered. Looking to learn about neuroscience and brain development in children? We can recommend something complex or simple. Like you, our reviewers come from varied expertise and experience in the field. Don’t forget to join the conversation on our social media platforms to suggest books we can review and authors you’d like to learn about. It’s all part of advancing your professional career and enhancing your reading pleasure.

CCCF Book Review: Love Builds Brains
Love Builds Brains by Doctor Jean Clinton, MD, offers intuitive, wise advice from her long background in neuroscience and research in child development.

CCCF Book Review: the Wonky Donky
Young children and adults alike will laugh their way through this delightful, fun book together or in groups.