your ece journey
College of ECE
About the College of ECE
In order to call yourself an ECE and to practice as an ECE in Ontario, you have to apply to be a member of the College of Early Childhood Education (College of ECE). If your application is approved, you will have professional status as a member of the College and be able to use the designation of RECE.
To learn more about the College of ECE, we are pleased to share the following information, with thanks to the College of ECE for creating it exclusively for the CCCF.

The College of Early Childhood Educators (the “College”) regulates the early childhood education profession in Ontario in the public interest. Since 2009, early childhood educators have been required to be members to practise in the province. Our role and authority are set out in the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007.
Provincial & Territorial Information
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Building and Maintaining Trust in the Profession
The training, knowledge and competencies of RECEs are distinct and unique from other professions. By establishing entry-to-practice requirements, enforcing the Code and Standards and requiring continuous professional learning of members, the College works to fulfil its vision: Leadership in early learning and care by trusted, accountable professionals (RECEs).
The College sets the bar for professionalism and leadership in the sector. RECEs self-regulate to meet those standards as they educate and care for Ontario’s youngest learners.
What the College OF ECE does:
In order to become a member of the College, you must meet strict entrance criteria. If you wish to practise in the profession within Ontario and use the designated title of Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE), Early Childhood Educator (ECE) or their French equivalents, you must register.
The Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (Code and Standards) sets the knowledge, skills, values and expectations that are expected of all RECEs. As professionals, RECEs are required to act with integrity while adhering to the Code and Standards at all times within their workplace and community.
RECEs must comply with the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program. The College develops this program and resources to enhance members’ understanding of the Code and Standards. CPL promotes accountability, leadership and professionalism.
The College is responsible for responding to concerns and to investigate complaints from members of the public about RECEs. If necessary, cases are referred to in the Discipline Committee.
To learn more about the College of ECE:
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