
Discovering Literacy While Exploring the Outdoors


Let’s Talk Science and Canadian Child Care Federation announce partnership focussing on enriching ECE professional learning 

Professional ECE Learning Webinar: 
Discovering Literacy while Exploring the Outdoors

On January 18 the CCCF and Let’s Talk Science hosted a professional learning webinar “Discovering Literacy while Exploring the Outdoors” followed by the weekly STEM Storytime Winter Special series that integrates literacy and STEM, so children develop a love for reading from an early age while also exploring topics that build a connection with STEM. A full list of professional learning and early years programs are available at

Le 18 janvier, le partenariat sera lancé avec le webinaire de formation professionnelle « Découvrir la littératie tout en explorant le plein air », qui sera suivi de séances hebdomadaires de l’Heure du conte, édition hivernale, qui intègrent la lecture et les STIM afin de permettre aux enfants d’acquérir l’amour de la lecture dès leur plus jeune âge, tout en explorant des sujets qui font un lien avec les STIM. La liste complète des formations professionnelles et des programmes destinés à la petite enfance se trouve au

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Let’s Talk Science and Canadian Child Care Federation announce partnership focussing on enriching ECE professional learning 

Young children have an innate love for and interest in science because they are naturally curious about the world around them and have no end of questions. We need to nurture that curiosity and foster an inquiry mindset, at an early age, setting up a foundation for learning as they proceed through school. 

Together, Let’s Talk Science and the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) have a tremendous and unique opportunity to develop a generation of young people towards a foundation for learning and who are even better prepared for school entry. Through this close partnership we will work to support all Early Years Educators with professional learning programs and hands-on-activities that focus on the child’s developmental stage and as a precursor to kindergarten using STEM as an effective learning platform in the educator’s practice.

Parlons sciences et la Fédération canadienne des services de garde à l’enfance annoncent un partenariat visant à enrichir leur offre de formation aux éducatrices et éducateurs à la petite enfance

Les jeunes enfants ont un amour et un intérêt innés pour les sciences parce qu’ils et elles sont naturellement du monde qui les entoure et se posent des questions à l’infini! Il est essentiel de nourrir cette curiosité et d’encourager cet esprit d’investigation dès le plus jeune âge, afin de bâtir de solides fondations qui leur serviront durant tout leur parcours scolaire.

 En s’unissant, Parlons sciences et la Fédération canadienne des services de garde à l’enfance (FCSGE) ont une occasion unique et formidable de faire émerger une génération de jeunes personnes qui aimeront apprendre et seront mieux préparées pour leur entrée à l’école. Ce partenariat permettra de soutenir tous.tes les éducateurs.trices à la petite enfance au moyen de programmes de formation professionnelle et d’activités pratiques orientées sur le développement des enfants et conçues comme des précurseurs de la maternelle. Il s’agit, pour les éducateurs.trices, d’utiliser les STIM comme plate-forme d’apprentissage.

Let's Talk Science Webinar

At CCCF webinars you’ll …..

  • Join a group of your peers and participate live in engaging sessions lead by subject matter experts
  • Have an opportunity to network with ECE’s from all over Canada, and the world.
  • Be able to rewatch any time if you’re a CCCF Member (coming soon)

Canadian Child Care Federation. Copyright © 2023 Canadian Child Care Federation. Some Rights Reserved. User Agreement – Privacy Policy 

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Anyone working in licensed child care has to apply for certification. You will find certification information for your province or territory on our child care certification page.

With your resume and cover letter ready (we’ll provide guides for this soon), contact child care centres and introduce yourself! You can call, email, or even message them on social media. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a reply. Try again a few days later to give them your resume in person. Remember that due to safety reasons you need to call first. Tell them you live in their area, and that you’re looking for a position.

On our provincial and territorial map we link to child care associations in your area. Follow the link to your association and join today. The associations provide valuable information to anyone starting out in their career. Even experienced ECEs can benefit. You’ll also enjoy valuable member benefits like discounts, meet other ECEs, and become a part of the child care movement in Canada.

If you join your provincial or territorial affiliate, you’re automatically also a member of the CCCF.

All licensed and regulated quality child care programs in Canada require these for the safety and security of children and families.

If you’re just starting out:

  1. Get certified!
  2. Find the requirements for your province or territory
  3. Write your resume and begin your job search. We’ll provide tips on this soon. 
  4. Get your vulnerable sector check and first aid training

Join our Facebook Group and meet other ECEs who may be able to answer your questions

Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) are incredible professionals that have rewarding, important and demanding careers. They work with young children (and their families), ages 0-12, nurturing and educating them, observing and planning for their growth and development while ensuring that they are healthy. They create interactive and dynamic learning environments where children develop social skills, develop cognitive skills and foster lifelong learning. ECEs work in child care centres, classrooms, home child cares, preschool, and parent drop-in programs. You do not need a teaching degree to be an ECE, but you do need your ECE diploma.

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