Welcome to our Children’s Rights page
Children’s Rights
By ratifying this Convention in 1991, Canada made a commitment to ensure that all children are treated with dignity and respect. This includes safeguarding the right of children to have a voice, be protected from harm, to have access to health care, and be provided with their basic needs and every opportunity to reach their full potential. The Convention also acknowledges the key role of parents and families in the lives of children and young people. In Canada, we celebrate the Convention on National Child Day held on November 20 each year.
To read about our 2024 Child Care Vision in Canada click here.


Economic Benefits of Canada’s $10-per-day Early Learning and Child Care Program
Download the report from Dr. Jim Stanford, which highlights some of the measurable economic impacts Canada has already seen from the $10aDay Child Care Plan

10 Days of Action: Expanding the $10aDay Child Care Plan
As part of 10 Days of Action for Child Care and Early Learning, families and advocates are calling for an expansion of the $10aDay Child Care Plan. Read More.

Supporting Our Most Vulnerable
Read this editorial from the Winnipeg Free Press – on why children above all other citizens need to be protected and supported with quality child care.
CCCF 2024 Vision for Child Care in Canada
Read the CCCF’s new Vision for Child Care in Canada.
Implementing Children’s Rights into Early Childhood Curriculum
Learn to implement a Children’s Rights-Based Approach to Practice. Through fun activities like storytelling, role-playing, and creative projects, educators empower children to understand and stand up for their rights. By weaving these principles into our curriculum, Early Childhood Educators pave the way for a more caring and inclusive world, starting from the earliest years.
November 20th is National Child Day
November 20th 2021 is National Child Day. Discover a wealth of resources about this important day, and Children’s Rights.