
2024 World Forum on Early Care and Education

Supporting Our Most Vulnerable

The Canadian Child Care Federation is excited to attend and contribute to  the 2024 World Forum on Early Child Care and Education. This edition of the World Forum is being held in Vancouver from April 16th-19th. The entire CCCF team will be in attendance, and we look forward to seeing many familiar faces and meeting some new ones. 

The World Forum is a global gathering of ECE professionals and advocates from over 50 countries. Their mission lines up well with ours: “to grow a global movement to impact the futures of young children and their families”. The word “movement” is particularly salient, because it came up in the CCCF’s 2023 annual meeting as one that everyone felt was essential for CCCF’s affiliates to focus on as we build a quality Early Learning and Child Care system for Canada.. 

Early Childhood Educators in Canada are truly part of a movement whose time has come. The CCCF has been working on tools to raise the voices of ECEs within their community to help our affiliates, members and the child care sector continue to advance this movement. This first step of this project began at the end of 2023, when the CCCF and Extremeline Productions produced a series of video interviews with local ECEs in Ottawa. These interviews were filmed at Andrew Fleck Children’s Services in Ottawa where four of their Early Childhood Educators kindly spoke from the heart about the importance of their profession.

Ezra, Layla, Nick and Sandy said what so many of us have been feeling, and left us all emotional and speechless. The entire CCCF team is truly energized by all the possibilities that video messaging offers to our sector and this movement. CCCF staff member Claire, will be presenting these videos on April 15th at the Oh Canada! pre-conference event throughout the day along with many presenters speaking on Canada’s progress in building an ELCC system for Canada – with workforce as its focus. We look forward to further feedback, and more exciting video projects in 2024 involving the whole community. 

A special thank you to everyone who has participated in this project so far. We will update this blog post after the event with some of the highlights from this edition. 

The Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) is Canada’s largest member based child care organization. Along with our cross-Canada affiliatesearly childhood educators and practitioners from coast to coast to coast—we are committed to achieving excellence in early learning and child care.

Canadian Child Care Federation. Copyright © 2023 Canadian Child Care Federation. Some Rights Reserved. User Agreement – Privacy Policy 

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We are a community of early childhood educators committed to achieving excellence in early learning and child care.

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Anyone working in licensed child care has to apply for certification. You will find certification information for your province or territory on our child care certification page.

With your resume and cover letter ready (we’ll provide guides for this soon), contact child care centres and introduce yourself! You can call, email, or even message them on social media. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a reply. Try again a few days later to give them your resume in person. Remember that due to safety reasons you need to call first. Tell them you live in their area, and that you’re looking for a position.

On our provincial and territorial map we link to child care associations in your area. Follow the link to your association and join today. The associations provide valuable information to anyone starting out in their career. Even experienced ECEs can benefit. You’ll also enjoy valuable member benefits like discounts, meet other ECEs, and become a part of the child care movement in Canada.

If you join your provincial or territorial affiliate, you’re automatically also a member of the CCCF.

All licensed and regulated quality child care programs in Canada require these for the safety and security of children and families.

If you’re just starting out:

  1. Get certified!
  2. Find the requirements for your province or territory
  3. Write your resume and begin your job search. We’ll provide tips on this soon. 
  4. Get your vulnerable sector check and first aid training

Join our Facebook Group and meet other ECEs who may be able to answer your questions

Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) are incredible professionals that have rewarding, important and demanding careers. They work with young children (and their families), ages 0-12, nurturing and educating them, observing and planning for their growth and development while ensuring that they are healthy. They create interactive and dynamic learning environments where children develop social skills, develop cognitive skills and foster lifelong learning. ECEs work in child care centres, classrooms, home child cares, preschool, and parent drop-in programs. You do not need a teaching degree to be an ECE, but you do need your ECE diploma.

Annual Membership rate $90 CAD.
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Annual Membership rate $65 CAD.
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Annual Membership rate $65 CAD.
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