Welcome to our Childhood Development page
Childhood Development
Childhood development is the sequence of physical, language, thought and emotional changes that happen in a child from birth to the beginning of adulthood. Observing and monitoring child development are vital to providing quality child care. The key areas of child development include: gross motor, fine motor, language, social and cognitive.


Improving Environmental Health and Sustainability in Home-based Child Care
The quality of the interactions between young children, families and early childhood educators has a significant, enduring impact on a children’s lives. Join us for our next ECE webinar: an introduction to ECEBC’s new online PD course based on the popular Best Choices resource.

The importance of active play in the early years
Learn from outdoor play experts how to provide opportunities for children to develop physical skills through active play and the lifelong benefits to children. Develop evidence-based active play program strategies for early educators, administrators and parents to Introduce engaging active play programming in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor settings for young children.

Just Being in the Same Classroom Is Not Enough: How to Promote Peer Interactions That Benefit Children’s Language Skills
This article is reproduced with permission from www.hanen.org, The Hanen Centre. When a child is not developing language as expected,
Infant Care and Leadership: A Self-Study
An in-depth study discussing why ECE’s in infant care can feel devalued, and how leadership is part of the solution.
Le Bilinguisme en services de garde éducatifs — regard sur des pratiques allemandes inspirantes
Le bilinguisme en service de garde éducatifs – regard sur des pratiques allemandes inspirantes
Children’s Spirituality: Implications for Practice
What activities and practices can educators bring to their programs to support children to explore spirituality.