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Literacy and Books
A language and print-rich, play-based program provides children with opportunities to test and communicate their ideas and feelings and to talk about experiences that are meaningful and relevant to them. It emphasizes the importance of speaking, reading, and writing as an essential part of child development. Explore our literacy and books articles & webinars.


Discovering Literacy While Exploring the Outdoors
Watch this free webinar that integrates literacy and STEM! The first webinar in a partnership with Let’s Talk Science.

Promoting Indigenous Languages in Early Learning and Child Care
Here are a few ideas for how child care practitioners and families can help promote Indigenous languages in early learning and child care

Le Bilinguisme en services de garde éducatifs — regard sur des pratiques allemandes inspirantes
Le bilinguisme en service de garde éducatifs – regard sur des pratiques allemandes inspirantes
Strengthening Communication Skills
Child care experts today agree that the components of language and literacy – the ability to listen, speak, read and write – are equal and interrelated: the development of one relies on the development of the others.
Parents as Partners in Reading
Reading can be a family affair. When you read, you help create an environment that encourages reading in your home.
Language and Literacy: From Birth For Life
A research based tool kit that provides effective ways to enhance what you are already doing in your day-to-day practice to support children in the literacy journey that starts at birth and provides a solid foundation for life.
Enjoy some of our past content on Literacy And Books
1. Encouraging Language Acquisition in Young Children
Early childhood educators need to plan and implement a play-based program that provides children with opportunities to test and communicate their ideas and feelings, and to talk about experiences that are meaningful and relevant to them. Download the copy here.