Welcome to our CCCF Blog. Stay informed on all the latest news.
The CCCF News section/blog is a great way to stay informed about ELCC, in Canada and from around the world. It features current news and informational items that are relevant to your professional practice along with highlighting government policies that impact on ELCC. We offer evidence-based opinions (we have lots of them!) both from the CCCF and others. Have something you would like to say/contribute? Please submit your ideas to editor@cccf-fcsge.ca.
Statement on Kamloops 215
Read the CCCF’s statement regarding the mass grave found on the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School (Kamloops 215)
Federal Budget 2021 Invests Historic and Transformative $30B into the Creation of a Canada-Wide Child Care System
Read about the historic 30B investment and the plan to provide affordable, accessible, high-quality child care
Exciting News For Our Community… Have You Heard?
November 30th the Canadian Government made an announcement regarding child care . It’s great news!
Welcome to our new CCCF
We have launched a new website to better connect with YOU! Discover new features and a letter from our CEO.